From study to turnkey plant

We realise end-to-end projects by multidisciplinary engineering and installation competences under one roof. Having a PMO, a centralised procurement, an experienced site management and integrated QHSE management system, we are ideally positioned to implement EPCM projects safely and efficiently.

Engineering der Griesemann Gruppe

Single and multidisciplinary projects

We provide tailor-made solutions for new installations, modernisations and maintenance projects from study to realisation no matter if trade-specific individual project or complex overall project.

Karriere bei der Griesemann Gruppe

Greenfield | Brownfield

Having five decades of experience in the field of plant engineering and construction, we work for more than 50% of the German and Austrian process industry today. New installation or revamp, greenfield or brownfield – we manage your project efficiently with only a few interfaces.

Engineering and plant technology for process and energy industry

Being a strong partner of process and power supply industry, we have been delivering individual, flexible and complex solutions in the fields of plant engineering and construction, engineering, plant systems and lightning protection for more than 45 years. Our multidisciplinary services cover the complete life cycle of industrial plants.

From trade-specific to turnkey overall project

No matter if new building, modernisation or maintenance, we deliver tailor-made solutions.

1,750 experienced engineers, technicians and fitters of all relevant trades work for us and enable us to implement EPC and EPCM projects of very different scales end-to-end. We deeply understand HSE issues by integrating engineering and installation know-how and have always a focus on constructability and plant operation.
Maximum plant safety and availability as well as highest possible efficiency increase govern all our processes and decisions.

Thanks to our more than 40 locations in Germany, Austria and the Netherlands, we are very close to our clients and very familiar with local conditions. This extensive local presence connected with our competence in plant engineering and construction and our resources throughout Griesemann group are the basis of our many long-time partnerships.

EPC and turnkey projects

Multidisciplinary engineering and installation competences from a single source directed by a central project and site management and supported by an in-house procurement: This is our core business.

End-to-end single-disciplinary projects

We provide solutions that meet the client’s needs: Tailored to our client’s individual needs, we implement single-disciplinary projects from engineering through installation to commissioning end-to-end.

Turnaround support and revisions

Regarding maintenance, we support our clients with complex shutdown planning. Implementing these projects, we cover all trades of industrial installation by our strong teams of about 850 specialists.

Project management and controlling

Our project management is based on certified project management processes and standardised implementation guidelines. Our services include:

  • Project setup
  • Scheduling
  • Resource planning
  • Progress management und monitoring
  • Integration of client approval processes into our project management
  • Strict monitoring of project and investment budget using an ERP system, alternatively the one used by the client or alliance partner
  • Holistic CE certifications and preparation conformity documentation throughout all trades from project start to inspection

QHSE – Quality, health, safety, environment

A structured management system that enables us to compare and control processes, is the basis of all QHSE measures implemented by Griesemann group.

On this basis, we ensure the consistent monitoring of our activities and derive improvement measures in order to initiate continuous further development of our processes. Dialogue and interface management between us and our stakeholders is also based on this system.

Our central service departments “Quality management” and “Occupational safety” support all organisational units and production sites regarding all QHSE-relevant questions. In engineering we do live established quality and technical assurance processes. This also includes, for example, that we work strictly according to the four-eyes principle in engineering.


  • Procurement database developed in-house
  • Coordination and preparation of qualified and precise cost estimates already in early project stages
  • Supplier and contractor audits
  • Support and execution of the complete procurement process – from request for quotation through quotation comparison, order, expediting, invoice check, acceptance to warranty management
  • Possibility of purchasing in our own name or on behalf of our customers
Verfahrenstechnik der Griesemann Gruppe

Process engineering

As a long-time partner of industry having comprehensive process expertise, we have gained experience in implementing technology know-how for about 50 years.

Branchen der Griesemann Gruppe

Layout engineering | Piping engineering

Regarding piping engineering, we cover the whole range of services from layout engineering through preparation of execution documents to implementation, incl. pipe pre-fabrication, pipe installation and commissioning.

Apparatetechnik der Griesemann Gruppe

Machinery | Equipment

In the field of machinery and equipment, our experts specify details for the equipment to be used. Regarding installation, our specialists take care of a safe equipment installation and provide mechanical service in our own workshops.

Anlagenbau der Griesemann Gruppe

Civil engineering | industrial steelwork

Our engineering experts support you throughout all project stages from basic design through approval engineering to preparation of execution documents. For the implementation, we offer pre-fabrication of complex steel constructions as well as professional installation and maintenance.

Industrietankbau der Griesemann Gruppe

Construction of industrial tanks

Constructing industrial tanks, we provide engineering, installation and maintenance services throughout all trades. Another focal point, besides new installation projects, is the evaluation and revamp of existing structures in the brownfield sector.

Engineering der Griesemann Gruppe

E/I&C technology | Automation

Our strong teams provide sophisticated engineering and professional installations for a reliable power supply as well as a secure plant control. Furthermore, we offer integrated automation solutions for your individual processes.

Blitzschutzmontage der Blitzschutz Graff auf einem Tank

Lightning protection

We are Germany's leading provider of earthing and lightning protection with more than 150 years of experience in engineering, installing and maintaining professional lightning protection solutions for industry and business.

High competence of E/I&C and automation in-house

For E/I&C and automation technology, we offer our clients integral trade-specific solutions from the idea to realisation. More than 180 engineers and technicians develop sophisticated concepts for your plant’s power supply as well as instrumentation and control. As a system-independent provider, we develop end-to-end and sustainable automation and control solutions. Beyond that, we ensure communications and telecommunications. More than 500 highly skilled experts in the field of E/I&C installation are responsible for a professional realisation.

Rohrleitungen in einer modernen Industrieanlage

Our industry setting

Being one of the biggest German engineering companies and most important enterprise in the field of industrial services (see Lünendonk study 2021), we work for more than 50% of the German and Austrian process industry today.

Driven by energy transition, hydrogen and power-to-X technologies have become strategically important subjects with particular focus. Implementing exciting projects in the fields of eFuels, eMobility, SAF and lots more, we have assumed responsibility and accompanied our clients on the way to achieve the ambitious goals of CO2 reduction and finally “climate neutrality” for many years.
Even for closed-loop economy | recycling, we utilise our experiences forward-looking.

Montageplanung der Griesemann  Gruppe